Damascus is the Capital of Syria. Many different civilizations have left traces in
this ancient city. The Omayyad Mosque, the largest in the world, famous for its
golden mosaics and the head of John the Baptist it contains.

The Azem Palace is one of the most charming and luxurious residences in the
The old souks , Saladin’s Tomb and the National Museum are a must for
anyone who visits Damascus.
Christians History finds its beginnings in Damascus.
Saul of Tarsus (St. Paul) found the revelation on his way to Damascus , while
going to arrest the Christians. He met St. Ananias there and preached the
word of Christ with him.

Damascus benefits from great possibilities when it comes to congress centers
and communication equipment , which makes it an excellent place for
conventions and congresses

The tomb is next door to the north gate of the
Omayyad Mosque. It was originally part of al-Azizieh School built by Othman,
Saladin’s son, in the twelfth century. The whole interior is decorated with
polychrome marble mosaics. Next to the tomb stands a typical Mamluk edifice,
the Jumaqjieh School , built in the twelfth century. The interior is … MORE
This Great Mosque stands at the heart of the Old city
at the end of Souq al-Hamidiyeh. It was built by the Omayyad Caliph al-Walid
ibn Abdul Malek in 705 A.D. when Damascus was the capital of the Arab Islamic
Empire. A prominent feature of it are the three minarets built in different
styles; the upper parts of which … MORE
This also stands at the heart of the Old City, on the southern
side of the Omayyad Mosque, and very close to it. It is an astonishing
example of a Damascene house, where the simple, almost primitive, exterior
contrasts rather sharply with the beauty and sophistication of the interior. Here
one finds a sense of space, a wealth of polychrome … MORE

فن تطعيم الصدف على الخشب
صناعة دمشقية قديمة يعود تاريخها الى اكثر من 800 سنة مرت بمراحل
ازدهار كثيرة وكانت وما تزال المفروشات المصدفة في سوريا والعالم ..تستخدم في البيوت الدمشقية القديمة والقصور.. نشأت صناعة تطعيم الخشب بصدف في احياء دمشق القديمةوكانت تقتصر على ورش أعمال يدوية …
وهناك انواع لتطعيم الخشب بصدف العربي – المشجر – الطلص… وتعتمد على رسوم نباتية وهندسية ويستخدم خشب الجوز لتطعيم بصدف وخيوط فضة ونحاس وقصدير ويستخدم عظم الجمل ايضا…
The art of inlaying seashells on wood
An ancient Damascene industry that dates back to more than 800 years. It went through a lot of prosperity and was and still is shell furnishings in Syria and the world..
It is used in old Damascene houses and palaces..
The wood inlay industry with seashells arose in the old neighborhoods of Damascus and was limited to workshops of handicrafts…
There are different types of wood inlays with seashells: Arab, arboretum…… They depend on vegetal and engineering drawings. Walnut wood is used for inlaying with seashells, silver threads, copper and tin, and camel bone is also used…

The #brokare industry is old, and #Damascus has been famous for it for three centuries. There have been periods for this industry in which it became extinct due to the lack of raw materials, or the lack of expert labor due to the wars and crises that were afflicting these countries. It has renewed the industry since about 1935.
صناعة البروكار قديمة، اشتهرت بها دمشق منذ ثلاثة قرون. وقد أتت على هذه الصناعة فترات انقرضت فيها لعدم توفرالمواد الأولية، أو لعدم توفر اليد العاملة الخبيرة بسبب #الحروب والأزمات التي كانت تلم بهذه البلاد، وقد جددت هذه الصناعة منذ حوالي عام 1935
يعتبر المُدَمْشَق أو قماش البروكار الدمشقي أشهر وأفخر أنواع الأقمشة والمنسوجات في العالم. ويصنع القماش من خيوط الذهب والفضة والحرير الطبيعي. وتنفرد به مدينة #دمشق في سورية منذ القدم وله حرفييه وصُنَّاعه المتخصصين والمشهورين. ويقترن البروكار عالميا باسم «دمشق
» (damask).
The #damascus, or #brocade, is the most famous and luxurious type of fabric and textiles in the world. The cloth is made of #gold, #silver and natural #silk threads. The city of #Damascus in Syria has been unique in it since ancient times, and it has specialized and famous craftsmen and makers. Brocade is universally associated with the name “Damask”.