KOKAB CHURCH & The story of Apostle Paul
During the very first years of Christianity, the Jewish community of Damascus was important and all attempts to promote the new religion were persecuted. For this precise reason, Saul came to Damascus from Tarsus. On his way to Damascus, Saoul saw this incredible light, that blinded him and he fell off his horse. At the same time he heard a voice saying “Saoul why do you persecute me?” His companions carried blind Saul to the house of Judas in Damascus. Ananias, a Christian disciple, had a vision where God appeared and asked him to go “to the straight street and look out for Saul of Tarsus who was staying in the house of Judas”.
Ananias went to Juda’s house, placed his hands on Saul’s face, baptized him and immediately Saoul saw the light again. He was no longer blind. Saoul became Paul and dedicated his whole life to the message of Christ, teaching the new religion in the synagogues of Damascus. The Jews wanted to kill him, and the Christians managed to take him away, by hiding him in a basket.
They lowered the basked from the walls of Damascus, and Paul was able to continue his preaching passing through Cyprus, Crete, Malta He ended up in Rome and succeeded in spreading the word of Christ ………