The tomb is next door to the north gate of the Omayyad Mosque. It was originally
part of al-Azizieh School built by Othman, Saladin’s son, in the twelfth century.
The whole interior is decorated with polychrome marble mosaics.
Next to the tomb stands a typical Mamluk edifice, the Jumaqjieh School , built in
the twelfth century. The interior is decorated with inscriptions and beautiful
lettering. It is one of the most splendid o ld schools in Damascus ; and has
recently been turned into a Museum of Arabic Calligraphy.
Two other schools stand nearby: al-Zhahiriya, which is an Ayoubite edifice and
house the famous library of that name; and al-Adliya, which is also Ayoubite in
style, and is now headquarters of the Arab language Academy